One purpose of the Antioch High School Alumni Association is to improve the education of area students. In an effort to fulfill this purpose, the Antioch High School Alumni Association will donate a $2,000.00 Academic Scholarship to a deserving senior at any accredited Tennessee high school, who is a direct descendant of an Antioch High School alumnus and a legal resident of Tennessee. The recipient should be a child or grandchild of an Antioch High School alumnus. The recipient to be awarded this scholarship will be selected by the appointed Scholarship Committee of the AHSAA from eligible applicants. Below are the PDF files for the Scholarship Guidelines and Scholarship Application. Click on the PDF icons to download files. Please note: The application must be completed entirely, submitted along with supporting documentation and received by the June 30, 2025 deadline to be considered.
Scholarship Requirements
The AHSAA Board of Directors has set in place the following qualifications which must be met
in order to be considered as the recipient of the scholarship. Those qualifications are as follows:
1. Must be a descendant of an Antioch High School alumni;
2. Must be a senior at an accredited Tennessee high school;
3. Must be a legal resident of Tennessee;
4. Must have completed the AHSAA Scholarship Application;
5. Must have an above average attendance record;
6. Must have a 3.0 or above GPA;
7. Must not have had any major disciplinary issues;
8. Must be active in extra-curricular activities and/or community service;
9. Must have been accepted to an accredited Tennessee university, college, community college
or technology center as a full-time student.
I. Bamidele
E. Gunselman
E. Givens
A. Young
C. Love
M. Clemons
D. Massey
J. Harris